Vance County Broadband Request for Proposals
High-speed broadband access is becoming increasingly essential for access to education, access to healthcare, civic engagement, economic participation and entertainment. Many rural counties in North Carolina have many citizens stuck in the broadband slow lane. Citizens and businesses are either limited to accessing service at the Federal Communications Commission’s 10 Mbps download/1 Mpbs upload minimum definition of broadband or somewhere below this level.
Commissioners and other leaders in Franklin, Granville and Vance Counties, led by the Kerr-Tar COG began in January 2018 to engage in a process to work toward a better broadband future for their counties.
As a result, each county has issued “Requests for Proposal” to private sector broadband service providers outlining the desire to improve broadband service in their counties.
Download the RFP Document for Vance County here:
Responses are due in October 2018. For more information on the project please visit
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